Brands & Distributors
The Unique worldwide expert in hemp accessories and innovative packaging full development.
What we can do for you?
If you are a CBD or hemp brand:

Smart packaging for traceability, product autentication and costumer engagement.
NFC Stickers for existing products for traceability, product autenticación and costumer engagement.
Branded custom smocking accessories for selling.
Branded custom smocking accessories for promotion.
Branded custom gift packs for promotion.
Smart humidor for product reoorder and other applications. Sales point at customer’s house.
What we can do for you?
If you are a wholesaler of smoking accessories
or hemp products:

Branded custom smocking accessories for distribution.
FUM humidor catalogue for distribution with your brand logo.
NFC Stickers for existing products for traceability, product autenticación and costumer engagement.
Smart humidor for product reoorder and other applications. Sales point at customer’s house.
What we can do for you?
If you are a dispensary or smoking accesories shop group:

Branded custom smocking accessories for selling.
Branded custom gift packs for promotion.
FUM humidor catalogue for distribution with your brand logo.
NFC Stickers for existing products for traceability, product autenticación and costumer engagement.